The Birthday Box (für Jungen)
At last it’s the little boy’s birthday! He invites lots of friends to his party. And his birthday wish is for a "birthday box”. But what’s that?
Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
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Daniel Brown is the child whose birthday it is. He is going to be five years old on 19th July. His mother, who he calls mum is organising a birthday party for Daniel and his friends. (A different relation or family friend could be inserted here instead!) His father, referred to as dad congratulates Daniel on the morning of his big day. (A different relation or family friend could be inserted here instead!) David is Daniels best friend. Of course he has been invited to the party. Another 7 friends come to Florians birthday party: (Their names are independent of sex!) Hannah Steven Sara Peter Susan Mary Zack
A story about a birthday, as a present for a birthday. For birthday children between four and six years of age. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THIS BOOK: Please note that the birthday cake in this book can only be printed with five candles no matter what the age of the childs birthday. We hope that we will be able to optimise this soon. Most of the friends of the birthday child pictured have been drawn so as to be not clearly boys or girls so that each birthday child can choose whether more girls or boys are invited to the party.Time
At home where Daniel livesBestellhilfe
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